10 ways children can benefit from extra French tuition

 What are the advantages of having a private French tutor?

Is your child struggling in their French classes at school and you feel they would benefit from private French language tuition to prevent them falling behind? Sometimes, for whatever reason, your child may find learning a foreign language difficult or find it hard to learn in a classroom environment in front of their peers. Many parents decide on private tuition to help get their child back on track and learn the required knowledge to pass their exams.

Here are 10 ways that 1-1 tuition can help your child learn the French language.

  1. Easier to ask questions

One-to-one tuition provides a quiet and relaxed environment for children to learn. Very often, children at school do not feel comfortable (for various reasons) asking questions in front of their classmates. As a result, they can quickly fall behind due to a lack of understanding. It is difficult for a teacher to check that 30 children have understood each item in the lesson. Having a private tutor who encourages your son or daughter to ask questions and who constantly checks your child has understood and re-explains if they have not, is more conducive to efficient learning.

Large exam all with many rows of chairs and tables

2. Exam preparation

Children with key stage 3, GCSE or A-level examinations approaching can greatly benefit from private tuition, especially if their mock exam grades have highlighted that a child has difficulties. The tutor can ascertain what problem areas the child has and practise until it comes more naturally to your son or daughter. For example, if your child has low confidence in the spoken French, the tutor can focus more on conversation and focus less on the reading, writing and listening aspects.

Stack of coloured textbooks books

3. Access to more resources and materials

Children learn in very different ways. Some are more visual, some more auditory. Tutors have an abundance of different learning materials and resources and can use those that suit your child’s needs, as opposed to a teacher using a one-size-fits-all approach in school.

Young girl with surrounded by textbooks completing homework

4. Help with French homework

Homework is an obligatory and integral part of school life. After a busy day at work, many parents do not have the time or energy to help their children with homework, especially if it is a foreign language which they are not familiar with themselves. Tutors can help ensure your child completes their weekly homework and can assist them if they find it daunting or difficult.

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5. Ability to focus on key areas of difficulty

Learning French demands proficiency in 4 core skills: reading, writing, listening and speaking. It is not unusual for children to excel in a couple of these areas, but have difficulties with the others. Tutors can ascertain which areas your child finds tricky and can give more attention to these difficulties. Some children also struggle with French grammar and require tuition so it does not affect their grades.

Enthuasiastic girl talking with tutor online

6. Boost confidence

When children first start tuition, it is not uncommon that they have very low self-esteem. One-to one-tuition has long been hailed as an effective way of boosting a child’s confidence, enabling them to perform in their GCSE’s and A-levels and even enjoy learning French.

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7. Children with special needs

Many children have ESSENCE diagnoses (Gillberg 2010), such as autism, ADHD, dyslexia, speech and language disorder, motor coordination disorder to name but a few. Tutors can help give support for a range of learning difficulties. Private tuition allows the tutor to get to know the child well and understand how the child learns. Using a range of strategies, resources and materials, the tutor can adapt lessons so that your child has the chance to flourish. For example, if your child has ADHD, they may have the aptitude to learn French but will do better if they can have a learning environment free from distractions and a tutor who can maintain their focus.

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8. Instant feedback

One of the advantages of 1:1 tuition is that it allows for instantaneous feedback. Feedback is a vital component of learning. It immediately highlights if the child is on the right track and corrects them if they are not. This prevents children wasting time and allows for efficient learning. If the child is aware they are making steady and constant progress, their self-esteem and enthusiasm increases. Immediate feedback also helps put worried parents’ minds at rest, helping them decide if the child requires more frequent tuition.

Close up of child filling out worksheet with pencil

9. Individual lessons

One-to-one tuition allows for lessons to be completely personalised to meet your child’s requirements. The student receives the tutors undivided attention, as opposed to in a classroom where there may be between 20 and 30 pupils. This creates conditions for more progress.

Black and white sketch of wise own sitting on a pile of books

10. Gifted children can flourish

Some children are natural linguists and find learning French easy. Employing the use of a private tutor can help these children thrive academically and give them challenges they would not necessarily get in class. They can learn at a pace that suits them.

Private tuition to raise the grades and pass exams

Contact Lucy to discuss your son or daughter’s French difficulties or needs.