Privacy Policy

What personal data do we process?

When you use our website, such as on our contact page, we may ask you for certain personal/identifiable information, which can be used to contact or identify you.  Personally identifiable information includes, but is not limited to:

- Email addresses

- First and last names

- Cookies and user data


When you use our website, data is collected through cookies. However, this only happens after we have received your consent via a "cookie consent banner" (pop-up box where you give your consent to the use of cookies on the site). We use cookies to compile statistics about traffic and communication on the website. Cookies help us to further develop the website and improve your user experience.

When do we process the personal data of visitors to the website?

We process visitors' personal data when you contact us via the contact form and we ask you for contact details and when you give your consent to cookies when visiting the website. Data on IP addresses, previously visited websites, browser, network and computer as well as movement patterns and activities on the website etc. are also collected via third party service providers (described below).

 Data may also be collected when you click through from a link on the website. You then leave our site and we can no longer be responsible for any collection and use of personal data to which you are subject.

Third party service providers

We use third-party service providers to monitor and analyse the use of our website.

·      Squarespace Analytics

Squarespace Analytics is a web analytics service provided by Squarespace that tracks and reports website traffic. The service uses collected data to track and monitor the use of the website.

·      Google Analytics

Google Analytics is a web analytics service provided by Google that tracks and reports website traffic. The service uses the collected data to track and monitor the use of the website.

Third-party service providers use cookies to store valuable information.

We also use other Google associated products and tools such as Google Search Console to get an understanding of how users use of site.

On what grounds do we process personal data?

There must be a legal basis for all processing of personal data. There are six legal grounds. These are:

·      Consent

·      Contract

·      Interest considerations

·      Legal obligation

·      Exercise of public authority and task of general interest

·      Fundamental interest

·      Protection of your data


We rely on consent as a legal basis. When you visit our website, a pop-up box appears on your screen. This contains information for you regarding cookies and the handling of personal data on our website. By actively accepting the use of cookies and the processing of personal data, you as a visitor give your consent to the collection and processing of personal data.

We value the security of your personal data. However, it is important to remember that no method of transmitting or storing information over the Internet is 100% secure. We strive to achieve commercially viable methods of protecting your personal information, but we cannot guarantee its complete security.

Social media

Love of Language may use social media platforms such Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedI to help promote the services we offer and which you have expressed interest in

Your information and data are used by Love of Language to enable us to answer questions you may have or for us to be able to fully provide you with services we offer.

Your rights

You have the right to request a report on what personal data is recorded about you. You can do this by requesting a so-called register extract. You also have the right to request that inaccurate information about you be corrected and can request that we delete your personal information. Your rights further include withdrawing your consent to the processing of personal data. You have the right to lodge any complaints about the processing of your personal data with the national supervisory authority.

How to contact us

If you have any questions about our privacy policy, please contact us using the contact form on the website.