Frequently asked questions

Frequently asked questions

Frequently asked questions.

When one starts anything new, it is normal to have many questions! Here are some answers to questions frequently asked by clients. If you find your question is not below, feel free to contact Lucy any time.

Digital white thermometer on a red background

What if I need to cancel my lesson?

Love of Language has a 24 hour cancellation policy. If you need to cancel or reschedule for any reason, please let us know 24 hours before your session. If you cannot attend your appointment, please inform us via telephone, email or SMS as soon as possible. We reserve the right to charge the full fee to clients who do not cancel with 24 hours notice.

Passenger sitting in car stuck in a traffic jam

What if I am late?

Fees are charged according to times agreed prior to the lesson. Students who arrive late will only be tutored for the remainder of the scheduled session.

Young teenage girl having fun studying and sitting with headset and laptop

Can parents sit in on the first online lesson to discuss tutoring?

Absolutely, this is no problem at all. It is often a good idea for a parent(s) to be involved in the first lesson.

Person sitting at table paying using a credit card swipe machine

What payment forms are accepted?

Cash, cheque or online banking are the frequently used methods.

Hand holding a round yellow analog clock

When is payment taken?

Payment can be made before the lesson, after the lesson or in advance. Lessons may be paid for per lesson or in blocks of lessons.

Stack of white books for studying on table

Do I need to pay for any extra resources?

No, all materials used in the lessons are provided by Love Of Language at no cost to the client.

Person using fountain pen to sign a document

How will I know how my child is progressing?

After 10 lessons, parents will receive a written report detailing your child’s progress.

Mother and father sitting with child talking online

Is there any way I can support my child who is having tuition?

Parents can ask their child what they have covered during the lesson to help reinforce what has been learnt. Active recall is a very efficient way of learning.

Desk diary wide open with appointments

How many lessons should I have?

This very much depends on your goals - but generally, most clients have at least one session per week to keep everything fresh. This often increases in frequency for exam preparation. Other clients who take French as a serious hobby can have anything up to 4 sessions per week. It is very much down to preference.


Four young people on a zoom call

Which online platforms are used?

Skype or Zoom are standard video platforms used for online French tuition and have proved to be very successful.

Excited African American male celebrating exam success

What are the fees for French lessons?

Fees are based on the individual’s specific requirements. Please contact Lucy for fees. Prices are based on level, location, i.e. online or at home and length of lessons.