French language tuition for adults and seniors

Man sitting studying and  concentrating in front of laptop with coffee and headset

Are you retired, but want to keep your mind active and learn something new?

As people approach retirement or have just retired, many individuals contemplate how they will use their well-learned extra time and decide to study something they have always wanted to learn.

Why not learn French as a new hobby? It is a highly rewarding and challenging way of boosting their self-esteem and fun.  Lucy has a large number of adults and seniors who have chosen to study French pre- and post retirement and have enjoyed (almost) every moment of it!

Living in South East Kent means that many of Lucy’s clients enjoy a short ferry ride to France to put into practice what they have been learning!

Young woman at job interview sitting opposite man reading cv on a clipboard

Do you need to study French to improve job prospects?

Often, when a job seeker is looking at job advertisements, they will notice that the recruitment advert states “knowledge of a foreign language would be beneficial/desirable/required”.

Due to rapid globalisation, many companies find themselves dealing and trading with countries and companies they previously could only have dreamed of and the need for linguistics skills are more in demand than ever before. Companies know that in order to compete on a global level it is imperative that they have employees who can converse in different languages. If a company is trying to sell their product or service to the French market, they cannot rely on both parties speaking English. Therefore, having a French linguist in the company could be the making or breaking of a contract.

With almost 280 million French speakers worldwide and being the 2nd most used language in the European Union, learning French could put you in a better position for securing the job you want.

French for tourists or home buyers in France

Second home in France but your French is rusty? Or, are you moving to France or a French speaking country permanently and want to be able to speak French at a level that means you can get by daily? Opening bank accounts, paying bills or taxes can be tricky, stressful and daunting if you have limited French, as not everyone speaks English. Some of Lucy’s clients take French lessons so that they can take part in the French way of life and communicate with French natives and feel integrated into society.

Learn about French tuition