Une Crème....or is it??

Blog entry by Professor Phil Davies! One of Lucy’s students.

I have a friend who has a light aircraft. One day when things were rather slow in the research lab my friend appeared and said “do you fancy flying to Le Touquet for coffee”? Oh yes please! We flew from Manston airport and landed at Le Touquet after half an hour or so and went into the airport restaurant. I knew a bit of French at the time so I ordered some cake and coffee; “deux gateaux et deux cafés-crèmes s’il vous plait”. My friend was impressed. He complained that each time he went he never managed to order white coffee but always ended up with a small black one. Oh well says I, it’s easy: when the waitress asks what coffee you want, just reply “une crème” and you will get a coffee with cream.

One afternoon a week later he burst into my office and claimed “you set me up you xxx***!!!. I went to Le Touquet, the waitress said something in French and I said “une crème”. She looked puzzled, muttered something and I said again “une crème”. She rolled her eyes, shrugged her shoulders and disappeared. A few minutes later she thumped a Crème Brûlée on my table”.

The morals of this story are

(1) make sure you know what the French are saying when they ask you a question,

(2) sign up with Lucy for French lessons before you buy your light aircraft and

(3) don't nick off to Le Touquet when you should be working.


Reflexive pronouns in French


Want to learn French accurately? -Learn the whole verb!